Workshop on Innovative Metallurgical Processes for Advanced
Materials 1 Frontier on SiC Solution Growth
Date : June 23 (Fri), 2017
Place: Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo
A workshop on the Innovative Metallurgical Processes for Advanced Materials 1 was held on June 23, 2017, in the Dw-604 at the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS). The workshop was initiated by Assoc. Prof. Takeshi Yoshikawa in IRCSEM and Dr. Didier Chaussende in CNRS Grenoble to serve as a platform to facilitate the discussion on the most recent activities in the field of innovative metallurgical processes for advanced materials. It is planned to be held every year alternately in France or in Japan.
The first workshop was dedicated to the hot topics of solution growth of SiC for power device application, supported by the IRCSEM. The program included a special lecture from Dr. Chaussende entitled “Solution growth of silicon carbide: state of the art and perspectives” and four presentations given by the researchers from both university and national research institutions focusing on the control of growth front toward the stable continuous growth of high quality crystals. More than 20 researchers leading the advanced research and development of SiC process in 8 institutions/companies attended the workshop and had deep discussion. Such discussion continued during the lab tour and in the social gathering after the scientific session.

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