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About us


To realize a sustainable society, new technologies are required to promote carbon neutrality such as hydrogenation and electrification, etc. Major research topics of this center are development of advanced materials circulation technologies, novel technologies with new materials to promote renewable energies, and systems studies to improve the operability of newly-developed technologies with special attention to the demand side, etc. image photo
In addition, we will carry out human resource development and industry-government-academia collaborations in the fields of energy, materials and resources.

Research Units

Energy Device Research Unit
Clean and highly efficient energy conversion, multifaceted R&D of fundamental energy device technologies for energy conservation
 Materials for generation and storage of energy
 Materials and technologies for power conversion
 Thermal chemistry and mechanical technology
Energy Materials Research Unit
Carbon neutral processes based on advanced material process and recycling technologies
 Smelting and recycling processes for rare metals
 Innovative smelting processes for base metals
  (Reductant, Heat source, Supercirculation)
Materials & Energy Integration Research Unit
To examine specifications of new materials and devices in a sustainable society, and operability & social acceptability of developed technologies.
 System design for materials and energy integration
  (Total design of materials and energy circulations)
 Utilization of demand-side distributed energy resources
 Energy carrier conversion