IIS-IRCSM Mini-Symposium: Biobased Polymer Materials for a Sustainable Society
The International Research Center for Sustainable Materials (IRCSM) Mini-Symposium on biobased polymer materials for the transition to a sustainable society was held at the Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), the University of Tokyo, on December 4, 2012. After opening remarks by Prof. Kazuki Morita, Director of IRCSM, six invited speakers (four from universities, two from industries) presented lectures under the chair of Prof. Naoko Yoshie. About 80 researchers participated and discussed the latest research achievements and recent market development of biobased polymers, as well as the life cycle assessment (LCA) of them. |

Prof. Masahiko Hirao

Prof. Seiichi Kawahara

Prof. Kenichi Hatanaka

December 2012 at Tokyo

Prof. Tadahisa Iwata

Dr. Kazue Ueda

Dr. Atsushi Miyabo